
Welcome! Iā€™m Adrienne Gutierrez Bitter (AGB), creator and author of More Sweet Than Bitter. Iā€™m the Wife of this very handsome and dapper man, and Mum to these sweet little twins gentlemen and baby girl. We live internationally, for my husbandā€™s career, from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Cairo, Egypt and now the The Hague, Netherlands. I grew up in Michigan and graduated from the University of Michigan. Have lived in Chicago, Detroit, London, and D.C. working for an agency specializing in the human experience of brand engagement. I love to travel and fortunately worked on global accounts that took me across the world. Now weā€™re now traveling as a family. In 2020 I completed my 200YTT in Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Yin yoga practices. When Iā€™m not chasing down kids or working on my practice I try to devote a bit of time to this passion project to share with you all. Enjoy! xo


The meaning behind the name is part pun and truth. When you gain the last name Bitter you should just embrace it. And itā€™s really tough to be so far away from the family and friends we adore so much, but weā€™ve built a beautiful life from afar and want to share as much as possible. Now that weā€™ve embarked on this diplomatic adventure, it's important to keep our dearest in touch with our journey.

Since starting this blog ā€œMore Sweet Than Bitterā€ really has become my mantra and the message I hope to convey through my words and actions. No matter how tough things get or the curveballs life throws at me, Iā€™m so fortunate for all I have. Keeping my head up, taking control of what I can, and staying positive has gotten me through some tough times. I firmly believe that positive energy ā€“ your mindset and the people you choose to surround yourself with ā€“ impacts every aspect of your life. Itā€™s like smiling vs. frowning, which my laugh lines will attest, itā€™s so much easier to be positive and kind!

Iā€™m not perfect at it, but itā€™s what I strive for and I hope you will too because right now our world needs a whole lot more positive energy and ton more kindness.

I hope you enjoy!