We all know that diet and exercise is integral to leading a healthy life. I really started taking better care of myself in my thirties. I really didn’t have to workout much in my twenties. I did, but it was more on a whim of “I feel like going for a run today”. In my thirties I started getting a little more consistent, but it wasn’t until my mid-thirties when my Brother talked me into my first Tough Mudder when I got serious about running AND strength conditioning. By the time I met J I was really strong. He bought me a 20 pound GoRuck sand bag. Me with my 20 and he with his 40, we’d run a quick 3 miles along Lake Michigan. Seriously. Workouts quickly became a part of our daily routine.
With my first pregnancy I had some really high expectations of what I’d be doing – pre and post. I fully intended to continue running. I remember J and I going out for a run when I was about three months pregnant. We made it from our place in Rosslyn, over Key Bridge into Georgetown and proceeded along the canal. It was the strangest sensation. It felt like my belly was already bobbing up and down. It was not comfortable. And that was my last run that I remember outside during that pregnancy.
I decided to keep my workouts to our apartment and the gym in our building. Runs were on the treadmill so I was close to home in case I didn’t feel well (I was nauseous all the time), but I mainly stuck to strength conditioning/HIIT workouts. I kept with it as best I could, getting in three to four workouts a week. This lasted until week 24 when I became so exhausted from all the work my body was doing to forge these two lives. At that point I had gained about 25 pounds. Not terrible for twins, but it really was taxing on my body. By the time they arrived I had gained about 35 pounds.
When The Gents arrived I made all sorts of efforts to get back to the gym. I’d purposely get dressed in workout gear in the morning. If you’re a mother you can relate to this being a feat in itself! I was nursing them, but since they were preemies we had a tough time getting the tandem feed down. And because I was nursing one at a time it felt like feeding them was a full-time job in itself. Nursing is wonderful for them, but it’s also pretty amazing because it helps burn so many calories. As a result, it’s exhausting! I would sometimes fall asleep with one on them on me or immediately curl up on the sofa or into bed after a feeding. Thank God for our amazing nanny. She took care of me, too.
From the all the nursing and not working out regularly, I lost a lot of my muscle. I lost my booty and obviously the girls did not look nearly as good as they used to. I was so thin. We went to Chicago for Thanksgiving and even a good friend said she’s never seen me with so little muscle on my body. I knew I needed to do something for myself physically and mentally, but I was beat down. I had been back to work six months already and even though we had gotten into a good routine with The Gents, I had no energy for myself. My mental health was approaching an all-time low.
Fast-forward to moving to Riyadh. If you’ve been following my story you know that I started working out again soon after our arrival, after an 18-month hiatus! We ended up living a couple houses down from where a group meets to workout three times a week in the evenings. As I always say, everything happens for a reason. Our nanny had moved in at this point so there was no way I wasn’t taking advantage of this, just steps away. And I started regularly practicing yoga as well, thanks to a friend who teaches classes at the Embassy. It’s been a blessing to get back into it all this past year.
And then I got pregnant and had to deal with all of the fun that comes from the first trimester. This time around I know my body better. What it needs and when the best times of the day are to get things done. Evening workouts with the group rarely work with my schedule now. I have the most energy in the mornings, after breakfast. If I’m feeling up for it, which I do most days, I get a 30-minute HIIT workout in or an hour of yoga. Most weeks I’m able to workout 5 days.
Here I am approaching 24 weeks and I feel pretty good, save for my odd sleeping patterns as of late. I've gained about 15 pounds. I know things could change drastically once I hit the third trimester, but for now I’m moving forward and continuing with what’s been working for me. I’ve certainly had to alter my workouts a bit, but most important is that I’m continuing to do them. Not only will they make a huge difference during my labor, recovery and getting back into shape post-partum, but it helps me mentally. I had a tough day yesterday and was feeling really down on myself. Lack of sleep, raging hormones and not working for the last four months got the best of me. I knew if I did a quick workout I’d feel better, but I just couldn’t muster the energy. I took a two-hour nap instead because my body really needed the rest. I promised myself I’d get back after it in the morning, which I did and I feel all the better for it. Always remember, tomorrow is another day.
If you’re interested to know what kind of workouts I’m doing, most are on my Pinterest page. (Don’t forget the yoga and stretching!) Total body workouts, with some cardio mixed in, to get the heart pumping are key. All areas of the body are still important, even when you’re pregnant. I do make some modifications though – no sit-ups, putting my hands under my bum for all lower abs exercises, no heavy overhead weight lifting, push-ups on my knees, doing sprawls sometimes when the bouncing from burpees is too much, etc. Some days I don’t use weights at all since my extra body weight is enough. Hell, I feel the burn just going up and down the stairs in our house throughout the day. I rarely follow one workout exactly, especially since I’m making modifications or switching out certain exercises that are better for me. I often combine some of my favorite exercises to make any entirely new workout. Have fun. Make it your own. Take care! xo
Disclaimer: I stress, I’m not a doctor, nor a trainer. These workouts are probably more suited for someone who’s worked out regularly before their pregnancy. You know your body better than anyone, so listen to it and slow down/stop when you feel it or your baby is telling you. Mine’s told me a few times to cool it! :)